أملاح الاستحمام بملح الهملايا

  • $10.92
    سعر القطعة لكل 
يحتسب الشحن عند الدفع

أملاح الاستحمام Take me to Everest

أملاح الهملايا للاستحمام بخلطة رائعة طبيعية عطرية ومرطبة، هي أكثر ما تحتاجونه بعد نهار طويل! يحتوي على ملح الهملايا، أملاح البحر الميت، ملح كبريتات المغنيسيوم، زبدة الشيا، وزيوت وأعشاب طبيعية.
متوفر بزيت اللافندر، أو بزيت الورد. 350 مل.

الاستعمال: تضاف حفنة من الأملاح إلى ماء الاستحمام، أو إلى الماء المخصص لنقع القدمين، للحصول على بشرة نقية ناعمة ورطبة، مع الاسترخاء الجسدي والنفسي بالاستمتاع بروائح وفوائد الزيوت الطبيعية.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

I ordered Take Me to Everest Bath Salts for my wife and she loved them. She loved both the scent of the product and the way her skin felt after she used them.
I received a request for review prior to receiving my product. The email said my order had been delivered when in fact it hadn’t. I was unable to use the tracking website, so I emailed the company. They responded right away. They informed me their system had sent the email prematurely and they were adjusting it to prevent that from happening in the future. They also gave me an update on the location of my order. The day I received the shipment I received another email from the company checking to make sure I had received and it and was satisfied. Excellent customer service all around. Thank you Mona for checking on me. I’d be happy to order from this company again.

Hi MH!
Thank you for taking the time to review your order, and thank you so much for your kind words. They're highly appreciated, and we're very pleased to serve you